Sunday, March 23, 2014

Au Naturale Hair !!

Hey there lovelies !!

This is a very special post as its been written by our very first 'guest writer' and my extremely dear friend !! Sharadha Raghunathan is a proud owner of beautiful skin, luscious hair and a golden heart :D So after much coaxing to share her beauty secrets , she agreed to divulge some...
Her first weapon is - no poo method !! Read to on to know what this bizarre sounding method is in her own words ..

So here we go! What does this mean? It means exactly what the title says.. NO POO but for your hair. Have you ever thought of the days when there was no shampoo? How did the women back then clean their hair? Well, with oils. YES! As weird as it sounds, it is the healthiest way to save your hair from all the fall outs, split ends and other million problems. 

So whats the other option? Bar shampoos of course !

You see, its not soap since soap has chemicals. Its a bar, organic and glamorous !! These very cute bars , as tempting as they are, are only made with good old natural stuff like olive oil, castor oil etc., Before you get put off by the word 'oil' (I know many who do ! ) , please know that they lather beautifully and the lather is not because of sulfate. Your hair will be squeaky clean, with no build up of hair damaging chemicals. 
We all love our freshly shampooed hair for it feels soft and fragrant, but in reality these chemical concoctions strip your hair off natural oils and your poor scalp works over time to replenish . 

Bar shampoos bring your scalp back to its routine 9-5 job !  These shampoos work because they make you shampoo less often.. which means less wet hair. and we all know the hair equation of wet hair = weak hair = hair fall !  However, be prepared to be patient for about a month or two before you see actual results.
Why does it take couple of months for these bar shampoos to work? Its because your scalp takes time to get used to the fact that its not dealing with chemicals anymore and slowly stops over working to produce natural oils as these bar shampoos preserve them for you. This makes your scalp, hair and you - one happy family :D
I have a couple of recommendations for bar shampoos :-
1. J. R. Liggett, one of the best out there.
This can be bought from amazon :

2. Try any organic stores like whole foods, sprouts etc.,

So here you go - cheap, organic and natural way to care for your lovely hair. :) Try it and let us know if this works in couple of months. 

xoxo :)

PS : you can get more such reviews by following her on 
twitter : @SharadhaBlog

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