Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I swear by these !!

We all have some stuff in our makeup , skin care or hair care stash that we cant live without. Of course we wouldn't die if those things are taken away from us, but yeah life would be very difficult !

I too, have some of such stuff and I think its a great idea to share our 'go to' products :D
so here goes...

1. Paul Mitchell super skinny serum
Have been using it for more than a year now and nope, I totally cant live without it. I have super dry and frizzy hair and a penny size drop of this magical product and all is taken care of ! I bought the entire shampoo conditioner and serum trio but have stuck to just the serum.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Be Jeweled !!


we all say Gold and Diamonds are assets .. But how many of us have even seen them getting sold like EVER ! Even when we do buy gold jewelry , we stick to wearable pieces . So what about the heavy maang teekas and earrings we need to flaunt at friends' weddings ??
We buy imitations !!
And if imitation is too LS for us , we improvise and buy silver and get it gold plated ! Female is the more intelligent gender anyways (I am so dead for saying this :p )

I recently came across a few recommendations and I just cant wait to show them to you !

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fashion No Nos :-|

Hello there !

If looking good was all about throwing on a Van Heusen shirt and a pair of Blackberry trousers or wearing Guess jeans with an Espirit top , the world would be such a fashionable place to be in :D
But there was a reason the term "Fashion Faux Pas" was coined ! Fashion Faux is anything and everything that makes the fashion police cringe :p

We all makes fashion mistakes (yes me too !! just imagine ! lol !! )

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Makeup on the go !!!!

Hello again !

Now that we are sorted about what to wear to office for business casuals ,  thanks to my previous post, lets have a look at makeup products that complete your look in a jiffy !

we need to take care of these 5 - skin, base, eyes, cheek and lips ! High Five !

Business Casuals - decoded !

Helloz ..

Thankfully a lot of readers of this blog are in IT so I got to do this post !! Most of the organizations in IT sector and otherwise too , have 'business casuals' as their accepted attire and most of us tend to go towards casual instead of business . This post will get that benefit of doubt out of the picture !

I know lot of you are remembering my huge danglers and love for OTT accesories and raising ur judgmental eyebrows and thinking " She is writing about business casuals ??? huh " . well all I can say is  , I have grown up alright !! (ahem ahem)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fashionable Investments !!

Hello again !

Raise your hand if you have been to the "Oh God I have nothing to  wear :( " route . My hand is already up and waving ! :D 

I raked my brains about why do we girls always crib and cry about having nothing to wear when every time we open our closets, a flood of clothes hits our faces ! I think the answer is that we hate repeating what we have worn already ! Well .. if the outfit managed to garner lot of compliments , it might see the light of the day again :p 

Ofcourse all of us have read it at sundry places that new looks can be created with old pieces  etc etc but how many of us actually do that ? Well this is possible only if you 'invest' while you are in stores and not just shop ! (yeah I have 2 wisdom teeth :p )
Whatever you pick, scan your wardrobe mentally and see how many pieces can you pair that outfit with. 

Fashion Sense and Sensibilities

Hello there ,

Where was I all this while ? Well .. I was touring my neighborhood malls to see whats cooking new :) And I have come back with lots of questions , observations and knowledge about the cultural difference in fashion across continents .

One very basic thing about international fashion that I have known since I picked up my first copy of Cosmopolitan is that Europeans dress up for everything , Americans do it casual as much as they can, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans do it cute and we Indians .. well we do it all ! And thats why all fashion houses are crowding in India these days .

So there are niche markets for all kinds of fashion but as much as I have seen, European fashion tops it all. It appeals to all and that explains the rush in stores like Zara in most of the American malls. Zara, Mango, Promod, Vera Moda, Only, Jack & Jones are some stores you will find in almost ALL popular malls in Indian metros and they are all Europeans ! what does that tell us people ? go figure :D

Monday, January 20, 2014

Valentine's gifts for 'Her'

Yes I am not biased. If I gave you girls ideas about what gifts you can give ur guy on V day, then I'll also ensure the guys get some ideas about what to buy the girl !

Contrary to what men think, we girls are very easy to read. Any guy who is even 30% into you can easily tell what will light up your face ! There are probably 10 kinds of categories for girls but trust me 8 of those  10 categories still will be happy with the standard 'gifts for girls' :D Easy right ??

So what are the usual gifts for girls ? Chocolates , flowers and cards belong to the default category. The usual gifts would be jewelry, dress, shoes, bags, electronics, vacations, watch ... yeah, pretty much around this.

You can still do all this and yet add a personal touch to it or make sure its unique. The best thing would be to see subtle hints (girls do drop them you know ! ) and try and make that happen !

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Valentine's gifts for "Him"

I know we all love to give and receive gifts and flowers and love cards and chocolates on the V day. We start a lot in advance planning for the day. If you are girl fren boy fren , it will mostly be the guy preparing for the day .. if you have reached the "better half" stage, it will be both of you planning for it ( or it could still be just the guy :p ) .

Which ever case , we cant be just sitting tight to receive the gifts right.. you gotta give some back too !!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

One Day ... :-|

Hello Girls ..

After all the facts and data about what to buy where .. I started dreaming about stuff that i keep pushing in my mental "One day I'll buy this" cabinet :-) I love doing that and with time I keep hopping from one drool-worthy thing to another :-| 

So here is 'some' of the stuff I intend too own 'one day' as of now :P 

Dont wanna buy it ? Rent it !

Helloz again !

After providing quite a few interesting options about 'where to buy Indian ethnic clothes online' , I have compiled few options to rent the clothes for an occasion ! While some us might go thinking on the word 'rent' , let me tell you that its quite a popular trend in the United States. People rent prom dresses and tuxedos all the time !! We have a mental block of not repeating an outstanding (and exorbitant) piece of clothing once we have worn it to the occasion it was bought for .. the poor dress just sits in the garment bag for a very looong time ..
Howeverrr ... if you have an option to rent wear and return, you can wear multiple dresses for the price of one ! Not a bad deal I say :D

So without further ado .. lets get renting ! I mean lets get going !!

Indian finery in the US of A :)

Helloz to all !!

Where have I  been lately ? well .. surfing for Indian ethnic ensemble online :D Its a huge huge source of knowledge and entertainment for me ! sometimes you find the best pieces when you are not looking for any ! trust me !
So i kind of stay updated about the latest fashion statements being made in homeland and being followed all over the world :D